Welcome to the Dementia & Alzheimer's Australia driver support page

Important information

If you are driving a vehicle managed by Summit Fleet and require support, please contact Summit Fleet on 02 9638 7833.

To check whether your vehicle is managed by Summit Fleet, look for either a sticker in your service book within the glove box, or a sticker on the window of your vehicle, alternatively contact your fleet administrator to confirm.


Service book

Check for a Summit Fleet sticker in the vehicle service book.

Car Key

Key ring

Is there a Summit Fleet tag attached to your keys?

car icon


Check the vehicle for a Summit Fleet sticker.

Support to help you manage your vehicle

Dial 000 - In the event of a serious accident

If you are involved in a serious accident, IMMEDIATELY CALL 000 and engage the appropriate emergency service response. For minor accidents, please follow these simple steps to assist you at the scene of an accident:

For minor accidents, please follow these simple steps to assist you at the scene of an accident:

  1. Do not admit liability or offer payment to any party concerned.
  2. Where available record:
    • Contact details
    • Vehicle details and registration
    • Insurance details
    • Licence details (photo) of other drivers involved (name and address)
    • If the other driver is not the owner of the vehicle, the name of the owner.
  3. Take notes/photos of the accident scene, cross streets, the direction of travel, car damage and so on, as this information will help you complete an insurance claim form.
  4. Police reporting guidelines vary in each state. Make sure you are aware of your requirements.
  5. Report the incident to your Business Unit Manager responsible for motor claims.
  6. All new claim lodgements will be lodged within 24 hours and require the DA employee to either.
      1. ORIX DriverCare, contact ORIX on 1300 652 886 and select option 1. You will be directed to the DriverCare Customer Service team where they will manage the entire claims process.
      2. Alternatively download the DriverCare app (Google Play or App Store).
  7. If the vehicle is drivable, ORIX / DriverCare will arrange for valet door to door pick-up for all drivable metro area.
  8. If the vehicle cannot be driven, ORIX / DriverCare will arrange:
    • A tow for the vehicle to one of preferred repairers
    • Services e.g. taxi or accommodation.
  9. ORIX / DriverCare will:
    • Coordinate for vehicle to be quoted & assessed & request.
    • Email the nominated approving business managers for repair approval.
    • Coordinate for repairer to collect the vehicle.
    • Maintain contact with the Driver throughout the entire repair process via phone, SMS and email.
    • Coordinate for the repaired vehicle is returned to the driver and the hire vehicle collected by DriverCare.
    • Emails customer survey to driver
  10. Third Party Demand
    • If at any time the driver receives a third-party demand it should be forwarded to orixclaims@drivercare.com.au immediately
    • For any third-party communications via phone, they should be redirected to 1300 817 406

Roadside Accident Management Assistance

Please follow steps above.

NOTE: Mechanical breakdown is managed separately from an accident or collision. For mechanical breakdown drivers should contact;

  • Passenger and Light Commercial vehicle breakdowns – 1800 032 563

After Hours Accident Management Assistance

Please follow steps above.

NOTE: Mechanical breakdown is managed separately from an accident or collision. For mechanical breakdown drivers should contact;

  • Passenger and Light Commercial vehicle breakdowns – 1800 032 563
  • Heavy Commercial Fleet vehicle breakdowns –1300 131 583

End of Lease Incidents

Please follow steps above.

All repairs will be sent to Business Unit Manager to review and decide if a repair is necessary on a case-by-case basis.

  • Fees do not apply for ORIX / DriverCare accident management claim process regardless of who is at fault.

If required:

  • Valet service – free of charge
  • Towing cost – subject to location and towing requirements
  • Vehicle hire, taxi and/or accommodation – at cost
Kevin Wong - Business and Implementation Manager

Kevin Wong

Business and Implementation Manager

Learn more about ORIX