We are currently experiencing an unexpected network outage. We are working to resolve this issue. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please contact 1300 652 886 or message us from the contact form if you require assistance.
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With foundations in originality and flexibility, find out what drives ORIX.

Why choose ORIX
As one of the world's leading Fleet Management companies, our solutions can help you achieve more from your vehicle mobility arrangements.

of continuous agility

Employer of choice for gender equality

Stability and strength
More than 30 years' experience in delivering flexible mobility solutions in Australia and over 50 years internationally. Find out more

A focus on innovation
Our award-winning technology and agile ways of working make managing your fleet easier, safer and less costly. Find out more

For small business Find out more
Awards we have won.

AFR Boss Most Innovative List 2020
2017 | 2018 | 2019

Recognised for outstanding HR innovation on the HRD Innovative HR Team winner list
2020 | 2021
Find out how we can help
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