ORIX Australia again recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality

March 2021 by ORIX

Sydney, Australia – March 9, 2021 –ORIX Australia (ORIX) prioritises diversity and inclusion as a key business imperative, so it was rewarding to achieve the coveted Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation from the federal government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for the second consecutive year. The award recognises our active commitment to achieving gender equality in the workplace, with 136 organisations awarded the citation for 2020/2021.

ORIX Australia’s Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Reggie Cabal, says the citation recognises our ongoing commitment to addressing gender equality. “We are thrilled to receive recognition for something we approach with such determination and which is truly part of our culture. Since being awarded the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for 2019/2020, ORIX has continued to focus on addressing the gender imbalance in leadership by investing in our female employees and many other initiatives. This is a huge area of emphasis for the business,” he says.

This year, the criteria was significantly expanded, making the citation an even bigger achievement. We are especially proud of the work we have done in the following four areas:

  1. A reduction in the gender pay gap

We have successfully continued to reduce the Gender Pay Gap year on year and are currently sitting well below the WGEA reported National Pay Gap of 13.4%.

  1. Our influence in the broader community

Our virtual event, Gaining Ground Together: Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders Today, was an opportunity for female leaders from within and outside the business to explore topics such as how to overcome career challenges and become a successful change agent in your field. The event sparked the formation of the Gender Balance Community group on LinkedIn, which provides a forum to extend the dialogue started at the virtual event.

  1. A focus on gender equality in recruitment

We take an active approach to reducing bias in recruitment, continually improving our processes based on best practices and WGEA recommendations. Diversity data on applicants, shortlisted candidates and interviewees is tracked to ensure gender biases such as race and parental and socioeconomic status are not creating inequalities. Our managers are coached to apply recruitment processes consistently and receive training on recognising and addressing unconscious bias. We also ensure job advertisements are written in gender-neutral language.

  1. Exceeding gender targets

Results show our hard work on diversity and inclusion is paying off. Our records over the past year show female representation on job vacancy shortlists is now 52 per cent and females make up 46 per cent of first round interviews and 43 per cent of actual appointments. Overall, we exceeded our 2020 gender target to lift the representation of women at all levels of management and are now working towards our 2023 target of 40 per cent female representation.

Overall, we exceeded our 2020 gender target to lift the representation of women at all levels of management and are now working towards our 2023 target of 40 per cent female representation.

Commenting on this year’s citations, WGEA director Libby Lyons said despite tremendous upheaval and disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses that were awarded the citation this year were able to maintain their commitment to diversity.

“I want to sincerely thank and acknowledge these employers for their extraordinary efforts. We know gender equality is good for business and crucial to our post-COVID-19 economic recovery. By driving better gender equality outcomes in their workplaces, EOCGE citation holders are showing the right way forward for other Australian businesses,” she notes.

In 2021, ORIX Australia will continue to focus on uncovering and addressing bias, and empowering leaders from diverse backgrounds. These are steps that will help us become a better, more equitable business and cement our position as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality.

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