ORIX Australia named Employer of Choice for Gender Equality

February 2020 by ORIX

ORIX today announced it has received the WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation.

WGEA logo

Awarded by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, the EOCGE citation is designed to encourage, recognise and promote active commitment to achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces.

ORIX received the citation for its work across a number of key areas including flexible work, gender pay equity, creating a gender balanced workforce, preventing gender based harassment and discrimination, and leadership and development.

“Building a more inclusive culture which harnesses the individual differences of our employees is critical to our success as a business, and the Gender Equality Strategy is key to that,” said ORIX Australia’s Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, Reggie Cabal. “Our employment framework focuses on inclusion throughout the employee lifecycle so we can attract, recruit, retain and develop the talent we need to achieve our strategic goals,” said Cabal.

Libby Lyons, Director at WGEA, said, “New research just released by WGEA and the University of Queensland’s AIBE Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace shows that the targeted and strategic action EOCGE citation holders are taking has delivered significant improvements.”

ORIX’s Gender Equality Strategy contains several initiatives, including:

  • Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Network (Macquarie Park and North Ryde): ORIX founded a D&I Network Group in the Macquarie Park and North Ryde business hub to share best practices with neighbouring organisations
  • Formalised Flexible Work policy: Open to all employees regardless of reason, this framework provides a range of flexible work types, including job share, remote working, varied hours, purchased leave and part-time
  • Paid secondary carers leave: In addition to 12 weeks paid primary carers leave, ORIX has introduced four weeks paid secondary carers leave so that employees are supported during this crucial time
  • Return to Work program: Employees who wish to stay connected with their workplace and team while on parental leave can nominate a personal email address so they are kept up to date and invited to events
  • Introducing development plans for all employees to support and nurture career development.

“We believe it is important to be at the forefront of driving change within the community in which we operate, as well as aiming to lead by example. As the only fleet leasing and rental company to be accredited this year, we are proud to be setting the benchmark for similar companies to follow.” said Cabal. “Our Gender Equality Strategy, part of our broader Diversity and Inclusion Policy, will enable us to advance the culture we’ve fostered within our workforce. We are confident that together with our employees we can continue to build an inclusive culture and make ORIX an even greater place to work. I look forward to achieving our goals and building our future together,” said Cabal.

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Linda trigg

Linda Trigg

Manager Customer Delivery

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